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Two ways to join The Repertoire
- Join 100's of Members Worldwide!
All-Access Pass | Annual
300$Every yearThe ultimate resource to achieve your career goals & more!- Access to our entire platform including:
- The PC Courses, i.e. The Repertoire with William James
- The PC Practice Tracks + iOS App
- Eligibility for our PC Scholarship Competition
- Live Masterclasses with World Class Faculty
- Masterclass Archive | Watch on-demand
- Excerpt PDF Library | Clean, complete parts for rep lists
- Access to our exclusive Studio Group for Feedback
- Any and all future content we create during your membership
Lifetime Member
50$Every monthBecome a lifelong learner and support the next generation!Valid for 40 months- $50 for 40 months to access our entire platform for life!
- All benefits of the All-Access Pass, for life!
- Your name on the upcoming PC Hall of Fame
- Early access to special content
- Access to special discounts on current and future products
- 2 Hour lesson with PC Founder Joshua Vonderheide (optional)
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